Slides & Videos:
4 July
Openning Session
Alberto Santoro
5 July
CP Violation in Beauty and Charm - Review of Experimental Results
Guy Wilkinson
CP Violation - theory review
Ikaros Bigi
CPV and rare decays at the B-factories
Alan Schwartz
CPV and rare decays at the Tevatron
Mark Williams
Summary of B-decay measurements towards CPV in ATLAS
Gerald Eigen
CPV in charm decays at LHCb
Carla Gobel Burlamaqui de Mello
CPV in beauty decays at LHCb
Alvaro Gomes
Neutrino Physics- theory review
Mu-Chun Chen
Neutrino Physics - Exp. review
Hirohisa A. Tanaka
6 July
HIGGS Searches at CMS
Guenakh Mitselmakhe
HIGGS Searches at ATLAS
Liron Barak
Searches for Low Mass Higgs at Tevatron
Murilo Rangel
A Model for Mass Generation Based on Gravitation
Mario Novello
Vjets and Vgamma theory overview
Fernando Febres
V + Jets and V + Gamma at the LHC
EmanueleDi Marco
Top Mass and Cross Sections at CMS
Helena Brandao Malbouisson
Top Mass and Cross Section at ATLAS
Mark Andrew Owen
7 July
Soft Diffraction (Theory)
Uri Maor
Forward Physics at CMS
Antonio Vilela Pereira
Central Meson Production in ALICE
Rainer Schicker
Forward Physics at ATLAS
Andrew Pilkington
Diffraction at CDF
Michael Albrow
Soft and diffractive physics at LHCb(by EVO)
Dmytro Volyanskyy
Diffraction on DZERO
Carlos Avila Bernal
Phenomenology of Hard Diffraction
Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati
Diffraction on H1 and ZEUS
Ada Solano
Valentina Avati
Hard Diffraction
Jochen Bartels
The Belle II Experiment: Flavor Physics in the LHC Era
Alan Schwartz
8 July
Searches for SUSY with the CMS detector at the LHC
Alberto Andres Ocampo Rios
TeV Scale Resonances in ATLAS
Maria Isabel Pedraza Morales
TeV Scale Resonances in CMS...
Piotr Traczyk
Alternative New Physics (HV, HSCP, UED,...) in CMS
Camilo Andres Carrillo Montoya
Scenarios for New Physics at the LHC
Oscar Eboli
New physics searches at the Tevatron
Pedro Mercadante
The Composite Higgs
Andrea Wulzer
Exotic Higgs Searches in CMS
Nicola de Filippis
Summary/Highlights from the Physics Results of CMS in 2010
Harvey Newman
From the nuclei to the Stars: The Physics and Astrophysics of Gamma Ray Bursts
Remo Ruffini
9 July
The LHC Open Network Environment - world-wide network infrastructure for LHC data processing (by EVO)
Artur Barczyk
CMS Upgrade
Joel Butler
The LHCb Experiment Upgrade
Antonio Pellegrino
ALICE General Results and Upgrade
Massimo Masera
ATLAS upgrade from a Tile Calorimeter perspective
Christian Bohm
Technological challenges for the LHC Upgrade
Ingrid Gregor
AFP/HPS Detector - ATLAS and CMS
Marek Tasevsky
Special Session - Presentation of the Festschrift in honor of Professor Alberto Santoro
Roy, Harvey, Thomas, Ignacio, Francisco, Gilles and Mario